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Top Player Report

Updated nightly by midnight PST. Only wins in paid games count
Report:   Monthly Weekly


Rank User Wins
1 michaelwatkins 50
2 kingsdunes 46
3 mgraham 27
4 colodreamer 24
5 undividedattention 21
6 johnnyswirl 19
7 tellyspop73 18
8 jambroni 18
9 russfalter 18
10 sempa tenta 18
11 postturtle 17
12 bigmomma70 17
13 exactaron 16
14 shocker1 16
15 chindi 16
16 markboag 15
17 bigdaddy46 13
18 razzy 13
19 wingy 13
20 valdo 12
21 ruffianspop 12
22 tstrm 11
23 mr. cat 11
24 davro215 10
25 palletman17 9
26 unkazra1 9
27 kanudou 8
28 fx45 8
29 sashky11 7
30 deo57 7
31 seasideoutcast 7
32 allin 7
33 scatteboo 7
34 toml59 7
35 carl088 7
36 champ 101 6
37 skinnymo 6
38 rockingrick 6
39 craigaruga 6
40 royalairforce25 6
41 bugsbunny1 6
42 giacomo147 6
43 manoluck 6
44 phantom100 5
45 salesguru 5
46 pirate 66 5
47 Scatmandu 5
48 cardea 5
49 hawkwg 5
50 bobofthenose 5


Rank User Winnings
1 colodreamer $3,187
2 razzy $2,720
3 bkr90215 $2,400
4 fx45 $2,200
5 seasideoutcast $1,977
6 hawkwg $1,830
7 valdo $1,662
8 bigpun $1,375
9 kingsdunes $1,190
10 mgraham $1,067
11 ruffianspop $975
12 westpalmbombers $752
13 allin $665
14 downthelane $650
15 philywheel $600
16 bucharest78 $592
17 giacomo147 $565
18 mr. cat $564
19 salesguru $532
20 markboag $507
21 exactaron $506
22 joek $500
23 undividedattention $494
24 marvinosos $487
25 chindi $481
26 the sound of music $480
27 phantom100 $479
28 magnum979 $444
29 thomasdemarco $441
30 russfalter $437
31 rockingrick $435
32 geodds $400
33 shocker1 $393
34 kdc612 $358
35 trackpro35 $343
36 skinnymo $274
37 sashky11 $268
38 weave22 $263
39 wingy $246
40 scatteboo $246
41 johnnyswirl $239
42 champ 101 $235
43 brokemofo1 $217
44 thetophat $215
45 stvn $214
46 mgbart02 $205
47 davro215 $202
48 murdock911 $200
49 coon man $200
50 wag19 $200